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Application notes

Microfluidic cell culture using a perfusion system

This document shows the results of a shear stress experiment using a microfluidic chip and a perfusion system.
Equipment used: BPU

Perfusion circulation assessment (Rat kidney)

This is a document of the case of the rat kidney perfusion experiment.

Used equipment: PSU

Ex vivo perfusion culture (Rat skeletal muscle)

This is the data for long-term perfusion experiment of rat skeletal muscle.
Used equipment: PSU

Effects of intermittent positive pressure culture

This is the results of culturing mesenchymal stem cells and vascular endothelial cells co-cultured cell sheets while applying pressure.
Used equipment: PSU

Dynamic Culture of Decellularized Vascular Tissue

Material evaluated for ex vivo endothelialization by perfusion culture to decellularized heterogeneous endothelial tissue.
Equipment used: Custom-made perfusion system


Intermittent application of external positive pressure helps to preserve organ viability during ex vivo perfusion and culture

07 November 2019

Sano, K., Homma, J., Sekine, H. et al.

 J Artif Organs (2019)

Used equipment: OCS(base system), PULSE

Generation of a large-scale vascular bed for the in vitro creation of three-dimensional cardiac tissue

22 October 2019

Inui A., , Sekine, H., Sano K. et al.

Regen Ther (2019)

Used equipment: Custom made system based on OCS

Academic paper



Pressure Stimulation Unit 

You can download the leaflet of the PSU.

Blood Pressure Unit

You can download the leaflet of the BPU.



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